all my stuff
Lunchtime talks today were by Davies and Baugh. Davies talked about the colour/density relationship at z~1 from DEEP2 and VVDS and how the results from the different surveys do in his opinion (and might in mine) conflict. The Cooper et al. paper (astro ph/0603177) is definitely worth a read. Then we moved onto all the jazz from Huetsi (astro ph/0512201 and 0603177). Well, I knew *someone* had to be doing this but someone from outside the Sloan? As such, the SDSS geometry is incredibly complex for this type of analysis and Baugh made some comments online about several things the papers didn't really address (selection functions, details of P(k) comparisons etc.) . Anyway, very interesting as it was all my stuff and was quite vocal during the talks as a result!
Finally had a good chat with Norberg (Edinburgh) about his recent work on the 2QZ correlation function, its evolution and most over, ERRORS!! The differences, pros and cons of errors from mock catalogues, jackknifes and bootstrap. He's been looking at errors on the errors (!!) and the ol' Frequentist vs. Bayesian approaches.