Friday, May 19, 2006

hee hee hee

Some have commented this blog is a bit "dry". Well, screw you guys.

However I, to quote the Constitution "shall from time to time" deviate from my "research" and post a Challenge on this blog. ALL commers welcome and a small prize (possibly in the shape of a 567 ml glass of alcoholic beverage) shall be offered to the winner*.

So, this weeks challenge is very very simple:

Please send me the best 3 websites in hyper-space**

I shall be looking for: humour factor, geek factor, "Can-I-send-this-to-me-Gran" factor as well
as that mysterious X-factor (WETF that is).

All enteries get "Honourable Mentions" and the Winner gets said pint.
And hey, if you are the only entry, well, de fault are the two most beautiful words in the English language.

Good Night and Good Luck!!

The judge's decision is final. Share prices can go up as well as down.
*If you do not live in the UK, or do not drink, I shall post you £2 equivalent in UK Sterling to your desired address.
**Hyper-space is an abstract idea per se so don't spend too long looking for in it or for it...


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