Monday, September 04, 2006

It's been a while....

Good morning everyone!!

So, after my month long hiatus (I was on my sell-out "Supenova" tour, but more about that later), the old blog might get going again.

Just a couple of wee bits to update you on. The z-space paper has gone collaboration wide this
afternoon. Publish and be damned some might say.
The Sloan had a trio of "biggees" last week, here, here and here.

What else? Well the "bias" chat in these papers has led to some possible ideas for PATT applications and the ol' KDC idea is still a possibility (however distant and infeasable it might be).

On a work related but non-cosmo note, rain (Durham) and I have booked our accomo for our RS Media Day jaunt. Just have to polish up that 4 minute blockbuster of a speech now!


Blogger Rob said...

It's CRAIN (Durham), to you.

10:37 AM  

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